segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2012

Install Packet Tracer on Linux

I have already installed Cisco Packet Tracer® on Linux Mint 12 Lisa but it should work on the newest version of Mint and Ubuntu.
Do the following:

  1. After login, click in the red box image

  2. Next search for "Cisco Packet Tracer program downloads" and click on it

  3. Click on the right of "Packet Tracer v5.3.3 Application + Tutorial - Generic Ubuntu" that will download the archive "PacketTracer533_Generic_Ubuntu.tar.gz"

  4. Finished the download, open the terminal, navigate to the archive location and type:
  5. tar -zxvf PacketTracer533_Generic_Ubuntu.tar.gz
    cd PacketTracer53/
    chmod +x install

  6. Now we must have root privileges in terminal to start the installer:
  7. sudo su <will ask for your admin password>

  8. Follow the installer instructions and after the installation run Packet Tracer with the command:
  9. packettracer

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